Monday, June 27, 2011

Smells like teen spirit

Today I really, REALLY want a time machine.
This feeling comes up a lot, mostly triggered by music or stupid trends.
Today, I don't know what it is. I came home from work and decided to clean my room, put on some music and Nirvana came on, and it made me nostalgic for Grunge, which, again, happens a lot.
I'm hopelessly in love with Chris Cornell and have been since I was a kid.
Soundgarden, Alice In Chains and Pearl Jam helped me through my teenage angst.

I don't know, I guess I'm craving a time where it was socially acceptable to be loud and messy, outspoken and angry.
Sometimes I feel like opinions are discouraged, I have to fight to be 'allowed' to tell my side of the story and when I do, people look at me like I'm crazy.

Is it bad that I think I'd fit in better with a bunch of smelly heroin addicts from the 90's?

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