Friday, November 25, 2011


Yesterday some wrinkled, old, (or living-in-a-world-without-sunscreen) bitch called me a naive plebeian for believing that animals deserve the same respect as humans.
That is all.
No justification, just "Your argument is naive."

I don't know why but it's been ringing in my head all day. Her leathery face haunts me, I can just see her, giggling to herself, patting herself on the back for her oh so clever response.
Everyone else could see how poor it was, but she seemed so sure of it.

Maybe it's just the fact that I couldn't get her to even think about where I was coming from, it is still completely absurd to her that someone DARE compare a human life to a worthless pet. Something that, to me, is such a given.
Why should I matter more than my cats?
What have I ever done for society?

I like to argue on the internet, especially with people whose grammar and spelling is poor. It doesn't give me a head ache, at all.
I love ridiculous comebacks

I like that when I stand up for what I believe in, I get shot down as naive, especially when I plead my case articulately and that's all they have to say back.

I seriously wrote an essay on why I believe what I believe, and why a human life is not more important than a "simple" house cats, which I can't be arsed to translate into English, and they wrote me off like that.
And... Plebe? Seriously?

I have strong opinions, sometimes they aren't the most popular but I don't give a shit, they're my beliefs and if you try to convince me otherwise I will pick a fight.
I will be happy to tell you why you are wrong and I am right.
And if you belittle my point of view and don't have any reasoning, just turn to personal attacks, I will give you the same respect.
I'll just be wittier.

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